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drug and alcohol use

  • 1 алкоголизм и наркомания

    General subject: drug and alcohol use

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > алкоголизм и наркомания

  • 2 F10.2

    рус Синдром зависимости, вызванный употреблением алкоголя
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol. Dependence syndrome. A cluster of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use and that typically include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased tolerance, and sometimes a physical withdrawal state. The dependence syndrome may be present for a specific psychoactive substance (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, or diazepam), for a class of substances (e.g. opioid drugs), or for a wider range of pharmacologically different psychoactive substances. Chronic alcoholism. Dipsomania. Drug addiction

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F10.2

  • 3 F19.2

    рус Синдром зависимости, вызванный одновременным употреблением нескольких наркотических средств и использованием других психоактивных веществ
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances. Dependence syndrome. A cluster of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use and that typically include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased tolerance, and sometimes a physical withdrawal state. The dependence syndrome may be present for a specific psychoactive substance (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, or diazepam), for a class of substances (e.g. opioid drugs), or for a wider range of pharmacologically different psychoactive substances. Chronic alcoholism. Dipsomania. Drug addiction

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F19.2

  • 4 F11.2

    рус Синдром зависимости, вызванный употреблением опиоидов
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids. Dependence syndrome. A cluster of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use and that typically include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased tolerance, and sometimes a physical withdrawal state. The dependence syndrome may be present for a specific psychoactive substance (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, or diazepam), for a class of substances (e.g. opioid drugs), or for a wider range of pharmacologically different psychoactive substances. Chronic alcoholism. Dipsomania. Drug addiction

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F11.2

  • 5 F12.2

    рус Синдром зависимости, вызванный употреблением каннабиоидов
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids. Dependence syndrome. A cluster of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use and that typically include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased tolerance, and sometimes a physical withdrawal state. The dependence syndrome may be present for a specific psychoactive substance (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, or diazepam), for a class of substances (e.g. opioid drugs), or for a wider range of pharmacologically different psychoactive substances. Chronic alcoholism. Dipsomania. Drug addiction

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F12.2

  • 6 F13.2

    рус Синдром зависимости, вызванный употреблением седативных или снотворных средств
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics. Dependence syndrome. A cluster of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use and that typically include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased tolerance, and sometimes a physical withdrawal state. The dependence syndrome may be present for a specific psychoactive substance (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, or diazepam), for a class of substances (e.g. opioid drugs), or for a wider range of pharmacologically different psychoactive substances. Chronic alcoholism. Dipsomania. Drug addiction

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F13.2

  • 7 F14.2

    рус Синдром зависимости, вызванный употреблением кокаина
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine. Dependence syndrome. A cluster of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use and that typically include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased tolerance, and sometimes a physical withdrawal state. The dependence syndrome may be present for a specific psychoactive substance (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, or diazepam), for a class of substances (e.g. opioid drugs), or for a wider range of pharmacologically different psychoactive substances. Chronic alcoholism. Dipsomania. Drug addiction

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F14.2

  • 8 F15.2

    рус Синдром зависимости, вызванный употреблением других стимуляторов (включая кофеин)
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine. Dependence syndrome. A cluster of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use and that typically include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased tolerance, and sometimes a physical withdrawal state. The dependence syndrome may be present for a specific psychoactive substance (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, or diazepam), for a class of substances (e.g. opioid drugs), or for a wider range of pharmacologically different psychoactive substances. Chronic alcoholism. Dipsomania. Drug addiction

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F15.2

  • 9 F16.2

    рус Синдром зависимости, вызванный употреблением галлюциногенов
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of hallucinogens. Dependence syndrome. A cluster of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use and that typically include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased tolerance, and sometimes a physical withdrawal state. The dependence syndrome may be present for a specific psychoactive substance (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, or diazepam), for a class of substances (e.g. opioid drugs), or for a wider range of pharmacologically different psychoactive substances. Chronic alcoholism. Dipsomania. Drug addiction

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F16.2

  • 10 F17.2

    рус Синдром зависимости, вызванный употреблением табака
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of tobacco. Dependence syndrome. A cluster of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use and that typically include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased tolerance, and sometimes a physical withdrawal state. The dependence syndrome may be present for a specific psychoactive substance (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, or diazepam), for a class of substances (e.g. opioid drugs), or for a wider range of pharmacologically different psychoactive substances. Chronic alcoholism. Dipsomania. Drug addiction

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F17.2

  • 11 F18.2

    рус Синдром зависимости, вызванный употреблением летучих растворителей
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of volatile solvents. Dependence syndrome. A cluster of behavioural, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use and that typically include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased tolerance, and sometimes a physical withdrawal state. The dependence syndrome may be present for a specific psychoactive substance (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, or diazepam), for a class of substances (e.g. opioid drugs), or for a wider range of pharmacologically different psychoactive substances. Chronic alcoholism. Dipsomania. Drug addiction

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F18.2

  • 12 F19.6

    рус Амнестический синдром, вызванный одновременным употреблением нескольких наркотических средств и использованием других психоактивных веществ
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances. Amnesic syndrome. A syndrome associated with chronic prominent impairment of recent and remote memory. Immediate recall is usually preserved and recent memory is characteristically more disturbed than remote memory. Disturbances of time sense and ordering of events are usually evident, as are difficulties in learning new material. Confabulation may be marked but is not invariably present. Other cognitive functions are usually relatively well preserved and amnesic defects are out of proportion to other disturbances. Amnestic disorder, alcohol- or drug-induced. Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome, alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-induced or unspecified. (Excludes: ) nonalcoholic Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome ( F04)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F19.6

  • 13 F19.7

    рус Резидуальные и отсроченные психотические расстройства, вызванные одновременным употреблением нескольких наркотических средств и использованием других психоактивных веществ
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances. Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder. A disorder in which alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced changes of cognition, affect, personality, or behaviour persist beyond the period during which a direct psychoactive substance-related effect might reasonably be assumed to be operating. Onset of the disorder should be directly related to the use of the psychoactive substance. Cases in which initial onset of the state occurs later than episode(s) of such substance use should be coded here only where clear and strong evidence is available to attribute the state to the residual effect of the psychoactive substance. Flashbacks may be distinguished from psychotic state partly by their episodic nature, frequently of very short duration, and by their duplication of previous alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-related experiences. Alcoholic dementia NOS. Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome. Dementia and other m

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F19.7

  • 14 F10.6

    рус Амнестический синдром, вызванный употреблением алкоголя
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol. Amnesic syndrome. A syndrome associated with chronic prominent impairment of recent and remote memory. Immediate recall is usually preserved and recent memory is characteristically more disturbed than remote memory. Disturbances of time sense and ordering of events are usually evident, as are difficulties in learning new material. Confabulation may be marked but is not invariably present. Other cognitive functions are usually relatively well preserved and amnesic defects are out of proportion to other disturbances. Amnestic disorder, alcohol- or drug-induced. Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome, alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-induced or unspecified. (Excludes: ) nonalcoholic Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome ( F04)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F10.6

  • 15 F19.5

    рус Психотическое расстройство, вызванное одновременным употреблением нескольких наркотических средств и использованием других психоактивных веществ
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances. Psychotic disorder. A cluster of psychotic phenomena that occur during or following psychoactive substance use but that are not explained on the basis of acute intoxication alone and do not form part of a withdrawal state. The disorder is characterized by hallucinations (typically auditory, but often in more than one sensory modality), perceptual distortions, delusions (often of a paranoid or persecutory nature), psychomotor disturbances (excitement or stupor), and an abnormal affect, which may range from intense fear to ecstasy. The sensorium is usually clear but some degree of clouding of consciousness, though not severe confusion, may be present. Alcoholic: hallucinosis, jealousy, paranoia, psychosis NOS. (Excludes: ) alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-induced residual and late-onset psychotic disorder ( F10-F19 with common fourth character.7)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F19.5

  • 16 F11.6

    рус Амнестический синдром, вызванный употреблением опиоидов
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids. Amnesic syndrome. A syndrome associated with chronic prominent impairment of recent and remote memory. Immediate recall is usually preserved and recent memory is characteristically more disturbed than remote memory. Disturbances of time sense and ordering of events are usually evident, as are difficulties in learning new material. Confabulation may be marked but is not invariably present. Other cognitive functions are usually relatively well preserved and amnesic defects are out of proportion to other disturbances. Amnestic disorder, alcohol- or drug-induced. Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome, alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-induced or unspecified. (Excludes: ) nonalcoholic Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome ( F04)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F11.6

  • 17 F12.6

    рус Амнестический синдром, вызванный употреблением каннабиоидов
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids. Amnesic syndrome. A syndrome associated with chronic prominent impairment of recent and remote memory. Immediate recall is usually preserved and recent memory is characteristically more disturbed than remote memory. Disturbances of time sense and ordering of events are usually evident, as are difficulties in learning new material. Confabulation may be marked but is not invariably present. Other cognitive functions are usually relatively well preserved and amnesic defects are out of proportion to other disturbances. Amnestic disorder, alcohol- or drug-induced. Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome, alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-induced or unspecified. (Excludes: ) nonalcoholic Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome ( F04)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F12.6

  • 18 F13.6

    рус Амнестический синдром, вызванный употреблением седативных или снотворных средств
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics. Amnesic syndrome. A syndrome associated with chronic prominent impairment of recent and remote memory. Immediate recall is usually preserved and recent memory is characteristically more disturbed than remote memory. Disturbances of time sense and ordering of events are usually evident, as are difficulties in learning new material. Confabulation may be marked but is not invariably present. Other cognitive functions are usually relatively well preserved and amnesic defects are out of proportion to other disturbances. Amnestic disorder, alcohol- or drug-induced. Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome, alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-induced or unspecified. (Excludes: ) nonalcoholic Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome ( F04)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F13.6

  • 19 F14.6

    рус Амнестический синдром, вызванный употреблением кокаина
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine. Amnesic syndrome. A syndrome associated with chronic prominent impairment of recent and remote memory. Immediate recall is usually preserved and recent memory is characteristically more disturbed than remote memory. Disturbances of time sense and ordering of events are usually evident, as are difficulties in learning new material. Confabulation may be marked but is not invariably present. Other cognitive functions are usually relatively well preserved and amnesic defects are out of proportion to other disturbances. Amnestic disorder, alcohol- or drug-induced. Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome, alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-induced or unspecified. (Excludes: ) nonalcoholic Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome ( F04)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F14.6

  • 20 F15.6

    рус Амнестический синдром, вызванный употреблением других стимуляторов (включая кофеин)
    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine. Amnesic syndrome. A syndrome associated with chronic prominent impairment of recent and remote memory. Immediate recall is usually preserved and recent memory is characteristically more disturbed than remote memory. Disturbances of time sense and ordering of events are usually evident, as are difficulties in learning new material. Confabulation may be marked but is not invariably present. Other cognitive functions are usually relatively well preserved and amnesic defects are out of proportion to other disturbances. Amnestic disorder, alcohol- or drug-induced. Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome, alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-induced or unspecified. (Excludes: ) nonalcoholic Korsakov's psychosis or syndrome ( F04)

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F15.6

См. также в других словарях:

  • Drug and Alcohol Dependence (journal) — Drug and Alcohol Dependence   …   Wikipedia

  • Drug and Alcohol Dependence — Infobox Journal discipline = medicine abbreviation = Drug and Alcohol Depend. publisher = Elsevier country = U.S. ISSN =0376 8716 eISSN = CODEN =DADEDV history = 1975 to present website = http://www.us.elsevierhealth.com/product.jsp?isbn=03768716D… …   Wikipedia

  • Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test — The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is a simple ten question test developed by the World Health Organization to determine if a person s alcohol consumption may be harmful. The test was designed to be used internationally, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Drug rehabilitation — Intervention ICD 9 CM 94.64 Drug rehabilitation (often drug rehab or just rehab) is a term for the processes of medical and/or psychotherapeutic treatment, for dependency on psychoactive substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs, and so… …   Wikipedia

  • Alcohol intoxication — Classification and external resources The Drunkenness of Noah by Michelangelo ICD 10 F …   Wikipedia

  • Drug detoxification — (often shortened to detox ) is a collective of interventions directed at controlling acute drug intoxication and drug withdrawal. It refers to a purging from the body of the substances to which a patient is addicted and acutely under the… …   Wikipedia

  • drug use — Introduction       use of drugs for psychotropic rather than medical purposes. Among the most common psychotropic drugs are opiates ( opium, morphine, heroin), hallucinogens (LSD, mescaline, psilocybin), barbiturates, cocaine, amphetamines,… …   Universalium

  • Drug test — For other uses, see Drug testing (disambiguation). Drug test Diagnostics To minimize opportunities for tampering, a direct line of sight between the observer and the specimen bottle must be maintained during collection of a urine sample …   Wikipedia

  • Drug-related crime — DEA Operation Mallorca, 2005 …   Wikipedia

  • Illegal drug trade — Drug dealer redirects here. For the legal drug trade, see Legal drug trade. International drug routes …   Wikipedia

  • Use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport — The use of performance enhancing drugs in sport is commonly referred to by the term doping , particularly by those organizations that regulate competitions. The use of performance enhancing drugs is mostly done to improve athletic performance.… …   Wikipedia

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